Newsleecher supersearch key
Newsleecher supersearch key


It can also handle local files via file: protocol.


Currently, it support ZIP, RAR archives and ISO-9660 CD images. This header engine makes it possible to search through all the Usenet newsgroups very quickly and your own news server isn't even involved. This type of search uses an online indexing service running on the NewsLeecher servers.


It also can preview or download files in archive. NewsLeecher is a program that has a built-in search engine called ‘SuperSearch’.


  • Lots of other minor bugfixes here and there.Top Software Keywords Show more Show less.
  • Fixed bug where NewsLeecher would sometimes hang when using the the "When Queue is Empty > Shutdown" feature.
  • Fixed bug where Repair'n'Extract sometimes would delete files which shouldn't be deleted, after having processed the set.
  • Fixed bug where the Auto-Import-NZB feature sometimes would import incomplete NZB files.
  • Fixed "Exported NZBs have an incorrect codepage defined" bug.
  • Fixed "Explorer tab displays file sizes of large files (> 4GB) incorrectly" bug.
  • Fixed an issue, where toolbar items sometimes were inaccessible if the toolbar was wider than the NewsLeecher window.
  • Fixed "Resuming a partially download UUEncoded multipart results in a failed download" bug.
  • In such case, articles will now be saved to the '%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\' folder.
  • Fixed bug where articles were not saved to the disk, if the specified download folder didn't exist, and the default download folder didn't exist either.
  • Fixed "Post confirmation dialog chops off long subject titles" bug.
  • Fixed "When Empty > Run Commandline does not correctly parse input string" bug.
  • Since the previous beta, the article filters didn't always work as they should.
  • Lots of smaller additions and improvements.
  • When using the 'Perform Action when Queue is Empty' feature, the action will now be delayed until the transfer queue is empty *and* all eventual jobs in the Repair'n'Extract queue have finished.

    When Repair'n'Extract encounters an error with a set, such as when it's unable to extract archives due to password protection or lack of diskspace, the exact error will now be shown in the set 'status' listview column.Filters can now temporarily be ignored, by holding down the F12-key on the keyboard, while adding articles to the transfer queue. This makes it possible to manually pause files in the transfer queue, without the RnE 'auto unpause' feature unpauses them again. Instead of auto unpausing *any* needed set files from the transfer queue, it will now only auto unpause PAR repair files. Changed the functionality of the Repair'n'Extract Auto-Unpause feature.All main filters now support boolean searching ("and", "or", "not" search queries) and new toolbars with subfilters makes it possible to narrow the search queries even further if wanted. The filter system has been much improved.The Article Subject Ignore Filter (which can be accessed from 'Options->Filters->Ignore Filter') now also applies to SuperSearch articles results and Repair'n'Extract set files.The option can be accessed from the tray popup menu. Added an option to enable/disable the single-click activation when clicking the tray icon.Hieronder is het volledige changelog te vinden: New features: Deze derde bètarelease bevat onder andere verbeterde filtering en heeft verder een hoop bugfixes aan boord. Nieuw in versie 3.9 is een functie met de naam Repair'n'Extract, waarmee het mogelijk is om artikelen op Usenet te verifiëren, te repareren en volledig automatisch uit te pakken. NewsLeecher is een programma met uitgebreide mogelijkheden om binaire bestanden van nieuwsgroepen te downloaden. Vandaag is de derde bètarelease van versie 3.9 uitgekomen.

    Newsleecher supersearch key